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Customized Yoga Training

for High School Athletes & Club Sports Teams

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Karen Livanos-Centauro is the creator of YOG-A-ATHLETIC'S, a customized, unique yoga program for high school athletes and club sport teams.  YOG-A-THLETIC's was designed to incorporate the benefits and discipline of yoga, with a focus on a particular sport's skills.


With the sports team coaches input of desired goals, a series of customized classes of yoga postures are created. Postures will combine strength and flexibility for the athletes body and mind. No two classes are ever the same and each are uniquely designed for the specific team.


Yoga has been around for over 5,000 years, and combines postures with breath work.  It can rebalance, strengthen, restore over used muscle, joints and ligaments as well as elongate tightened and fatigued muscles to prevent injury or assist in recovery.  Yoga also creates body awareness and increases mental awareness, by forcing the athlete to stay present through a sequence of postures, varying in degrees of difficulty.  This awareness assists in bringing calmness and clarity to the mind.


Each of the specially designed classes will concentrate on creating flexibility in the shoulder, hip, back, neck and core areas, as well as on twist and balance poses.  Class will focus on stretching and simple yoga postures leading up to more challenging poses using conscious breathing techniques.  Each aspect of the yoga class will help the athlete attain their fullest potential.  All that is required of the athlete is the ability to listen and to know their right hand from their left!!


Team participants can range from 5-10 athletes or any combination up to 35.  Each athlete is required to provide their own yoga mat.  All additional class props of blocks and straps will be provided!


Whether it's during pre or off season training, or in the midst of the sports program, YOG-A-ATHLETIC'S can assist every sports team achieve a successful season!  Contact Karen to arrange a unique yoga program and timeframe that works for your athlete and team!

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